"From time to time tell the truth so that you create when you lie."

hair:little bones. Birdie Group Gift
Horns:[RA] Ring Horns - Grey with Silver Rings
Skin:** [PUMEC]  - .:AVRORA:. SKIN - Summer **
Tattoo face:.Identity. Body Shop - Black Velvet
bracelets:Baubles! by Phe LunaBangles 
Tattoo :.Identity. Body Shop - Dirty Trap [Chest]
Top:<Toxic Bish> Yummy Top Black
Pant:::Maniac Store:: Stockins sexys rarrr Leopard@WEIB Special Sale Room
Shoes:.:KC:. ABRIELLE for Slink High, Belleza & MAITREYA
Pose:Overlow Poses - Pack 53

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