My little dwarfs of happiness.....

My little dwarfs of happiness...
Hair:*PH* 8163 @SaNaRae
Earmuffs:NS::  Mesh Kittty EarMuffs (HUD) Group Gift
Nails:[PiAD]Drop&Camellia nail  @SaNaRae
Coat:M.I.X.*coat with fur collar  @SaNaRae
Socks/Boots:B.C.C City of Stars - Short boots [Maitreya] RARE @SaNaRae
Pose:[La Baguette] Hina poses @SaNaRae
[La Baguette] Candyfloss - Pink @SaNaRae
[La Baguette] Teddy Donut ~ Strawberry  @SaNaRae
[La Baguette] Teddy Lollipop ~ Pink RARE @SaNaRae

Serenity Style- Tiny Heart Robot -RED Gacha @ Shiny Shabby
!gO! ChristmasElf - Noel
!gO! ChristmasElf - Candy
!gO! ChristmasElf - Perky
!gO! ChristmasElf - Cookie
!gO! ChristmasElf - Happy

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