Too many people spend money they earned to buy things they do not want to impress people they do not want...

Too many people spend money they earned to buy things they do not want to impress people they do not want...
Hat:7.Yokai -Golden dreams  - Hat lace 2@On9
Hair:rezology G.U.Y. (mesh hair)
Skin:.:[PUMEC] :. - .:Lucia:. -  /  March \  - SKIN (Catwa)
piercing nose:PUNCH / Diamond Nose Ring 
Coat:UC_Jody_coat_all in 1_Maitreya_Slink_Belleza@Winter trend
Boots:.:* LOULOU&CO *:. - Shoes :: CLARA ::@Winter trend
Bag:fame femme: Samanta Bag - Black
Pose:Amitie - Party @On9

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