POST🔥 #1153 | The Arcade | FaMESHed | Deco(c)rate | Kustom9 | The Liaison Collaborative | Dahlia | KITE | zerkalo PLAAKA | DRD | Trompe Loeil

POST🔥 #1152 | The Arcade | FaMESHed | Deco(c)rate | Kustom9 | The Liaison Collaborative | Dahlia  | KITE | zerkalo PLAAKA | DRD | Trompe Loeil

VOID - The Revelator Apartment @FaMESHed

Trompe Loeil - Oakley Pallet Bed Natural PG @FaMESHed

DRD - Hodgepodge Corner - Hutch @FaMESHed
DRD - Hodgepodge Corner - Chair - Faded Mono - ADULT @FaMESHed

KraftWork James Joyce Library (complete) @Deco(c)rate

PLAAKA PaintersDesktopShelf @The Arcade
PLAAKA PlywoodPaintMat @The Arcade
PLAAKA DrawingNote @The Arcade
PLAAKA VintageEasel @The Arcade
PLAAKA StandPaints @The Arcade

KITE - Russian Blues - Tunnel RARE @The Arcade
KITE - Russian Blues - Stretching COMMON @The Arcade

zerkalo ] Bunker Bar Gacha - Bunker Door (RARE) @Kustom9
zerkalo ] Bunker Bar Gacha - Shelf w/Bottles @Kustom9
zerkalo ] Bunker Bar Gacha - Picture3 @Kustom9
zerkalo ] Bunker Bar - Stool Adult @Kustom9
zerkalo ] Bunker Bar Gacha - Lamp @Kustom9
zerkalo ] Bunker Bar Gacha - Tequila Neon (blink on/off) @Kustom9

zerkalo ] Apokalyptic Fridge - Adult @Remnant 

zerkalo  ] Old Tv Bar @Uber
zerkalo ] Old Tv Bar - Glasses Holder @Uber
[ zerkalo ] Old Tv Bar - Carafe @Uber

Dahlia - Blossom Accent Pillows  - .05 C/M @The Liaison Collaborative
Dahlia - Blossom Accent Pillows  - .01 - UNCOMMON C/M @The Liaison Collaborative
Dahlia - Blossom Accent Pillows  - .08 C/M @The Liaison Collaborative
Dahlia - Blossom Accent Pillows  - .06 C/M @The Liaison Collaborative
Dahlia - Blossom Accent Pillows  - .04 C/M @The Liaison Collaborative

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